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小君 22 2020

我们最新的U.S. 客户:奶牛


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牛是臭名昭著的甲烷大户. We can thank our insatiable appetites for beef and dairy and the resulting mass breeding of cattle, 他们自己对草的胃口更大, 豆类和青贮饲料.

考虑到牛肉在我们的饮食和文化中的重要地位, humankind probably won’t curb its consumption anytime soon in a way that results in a major drop in methane emissions. 然而, there are some creative and productive solutions for mitigating the environmental impact of cattle.

One involves harnessing their prodigious digestive systems to turn out another source of energy—a source capable of supplying millions of cubic feet per day of natural gas to vehicles, 房屋, 和企业, 就像深埋在地球表面下的天然气田.


这正在大规模地发生 三哩峡谷农场 在俄勒冈州,大约3.3万头奶牛每天生产200万磅牛奶. 这些奶牛目前也生产1.2–1.4百万立方英尺/天的可再生天然气或沼气,还有增长的空间. TC Energy owns the important role of making sure the gas reaches consumers in energy-hungry California via an interconnect brought in service last year.

Participation in the project is part of TC Energy’s commitment to helping remove emissions from the gas value chain while continuing to deliver affordable energy to consumers.

一个广泛的, multitalented team was assembled to evaluate the Threemile biogas stream and develop a meter station equipped with proper analyzers, 关井阀调, 并且设备能保证进入管道的气体的质量. Now operational, flow meters on farm grounds deliver and receive gas at the same time.

Those flow meters sit near a processing facility that turns the manure into biogas. Threemile’s paradoxically messy-but-clean process involves mixing manure with water to form a sludge, which is then piped to a series of large in-ground pools—called digesters—that are tightly sealed with something of a “tent,约翰·科达维解释道, TC能源U.S. 参与该项目的业务开发经理.

The biogas produced in the digesters is captured and piped through a system that removes all CO2 以及硫和水等有害成分,留下高质量的甲烷. 一次清洁, the gas is compressed to a pressure that allows it to enter TC Energy’s Gas Transmission Northwest (GTN) system for delivery. 三英里的整个生产过程几乎不产生浪费.

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该互联系统可以将高达4百万立方英尺/天的沼气从农场转移出去, a level that’s “definitely a goal the farm would like to attain” given the strong business case for the project, 陈太平说, 谁曾担任三哩互联项目经理. Government agencies are providing tax incentives for developers to build the infrastructure required to harvest biogas. 

对环境的好处也很显著. As part of Threemile’s methane extraction process, some 136,000 tonnes/year of CO2 are avoided, equivalent to the annual greenhouse gas emissions from 28,875 passenger vehicles, CO2 16 .能源消耗产生的排放,285个家庭, 或者碳固存到160,061英亩林地, 根据农场提供的数据.

而且,考虑到TC能源公司在美国参与的其他沼气项目.S.在美国,该公司正在帮助产生更大的影响. TC Energy is also receiving gas captured from cow manure at Town Hall Road in Wisconsin and, 越过牛场, a landfill at Dane County in Wisconsin and hog manure at Ruckman Farm in Missouri, 每个管道的产量约为1百万立方英尺/天.

John notes that several other TC Energy pipelines have received inquiries from prospective developers and producers. 因为需求量大, the company is working to create a standard biogas meter skid that will cut installation cost and time, part of its effort to make future participation in these projects more seamless.