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Canyon Creek Pumped Storage Project



The Canyon Creek Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Project, owned and developed by TC Energy, will play a critical role in 阿尔伯塔省’s renewable energy future. The Project will have a generation capacity of 75 MW, which will provide up to 37 hours of on-demand, 灵活的, clean energy and ancillary services to the 阿尔伯塔省 electricity grid, 利用可再生能源满足该省未来的部分电力需求.

该项目将通过在高需求时期发电,为阿尔伯塔省互联电力系统提供更多间歇性可再生能源发电, 同时也有能力在低需求时储存能量.

Pumped hydro energy storage is the most economically, 这是一种环保且技术成熟的储存大量电力的方法. 事实上,它是全球300多个地点使用最广泛的储能形式.

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图中显示了下游水库的水流通过一个使用电网供电的泵站, usually during evening periods of low electricity demand, 上水库, where water is stored for future electricity demand.


Diagram showing flow of stored water from Upper Reservoir, usually during daytime periods of high electricity demand, 下水库, 通过一个发电厂,将电力送回电网.


The Canyon Creek Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Project, about 13 kilometres from Hinton, 阿尔伯塔省, 加拿大, 将合并两个小的, 离河水库——一个建在已退役的俄别得山煤矿旁的山顶上, 另一个在底部, not far from the Athabasca River. These two man-made reservoirs will be connected by a pipeline with pumps, 位于发电厂和泵房底部蓄水池附近的涡轮机和发电设备.

The reservoirs are not part of existing lakes or water bodies. 该设计采用闭环系统,这意味着它将重复使用相同的水. 水不需要像传统的水利工程那样持续供应. One initial fill will be required and due to evaporation, water levels may need to be topped up annually. 阿萨巴斯卡河(Athabasca River)将被用作初始填充和任何必要的补充的水源.


上游水库将占地约30公顷(74英亩),可容纳约2人.5M立方米水. 靠近护堤的入口结构将容纳安全关闸和配套设备. 

停用的, 人造 下游水库 将建在阿萨巴斯卡河附近的低地高原上,以尽量减少对当地生物多样性区的影响. The lower reservoir will cover about 42 hectares (104 acres).

Penstock, powerhouse and pumphouse

压力管是连接上下水库的埋地输水管道. The penstock will be about 2.5 metres in diameter and approximately seven kilometres in length. The penstock’s routing minimizes creek crossings and fish habitat impact.


一旦运行, 该项目将拥有75兆瓦的存储容量,可满负荷发电37小时.


AESO(艾伯塔省电力系统运营商)和艾伯塔省电力市场都允许和支持商业发电和储能项目. 除了, 艾伯塔省公用事业委员会(AUC)有一个明确的程序来批准发电厂. 峡谷溪抽水蓄能项目已获得AUC发电厂和水电开发批准,并于最近提交了AUC变电站批准申请.

Contractors, suppliers and vendors

TC Energy is procuring contractors, suppliers and vendors via the TC Energy Supplier Registration Portal. 



TC能源公司在艾伯塔省的发电厂和业务是按照加拿大联邦政府制定的法规进行管理的 阿尔伯塔省 Utilities Commission (AUC).

阿尔伯塔省 Utilities Commission (AUC)


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If you have any questions about the Project, please reach out to us via the contact information below. 

Canyon Creek Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Project (TC Energy)


Canyon Creek Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Project (TC Energy)
450 – 1 St. SW
Calgary, 阿尔伯塔省   T2P 5H1



TC Energy welcomes enquiries from media. Please direct questions to:
1-800-608-7859 免费电话(北美)
1-800-361-6522 免费电话(北美)